REFUEL REPAIR REHYDRATE RECOVERY………is preparation for your next session. Are you getting it right?. It’s easy to get complacent about recovery, either by thinking it’s not important or by doing it half-heartedly or thinking “that will do”.   RECOVERY WILL MAKE …

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Refuel, Repair, Rehydrate for Recovery

REFUEL REPAIR REHYDRATE RECOVERY………is preparation for your next session. Are you getting it right? By Accredited Sports Dietian, Kellie Hogan from Eatsmart Nutrtion Consultants It’s easy to get complacent about recovery, either by thinking it’s not important or by doing …

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Performance Muesli Bars

PERMORMANCE MUESLI BARS –  Recipe by Marika Day- Accredited Practising Dietitian Ingredients you will need:- 2 cups sultanas 1 cup water 1 cup chopped pecans 2 tablespoons margarine 2 teaspoons vanilla essence 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups quick …

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Hydration in Sport & Exercise

Hydration in Sport & Exercise – words by Marika Day Dietitian
 B. Hlth Sci (Nut) & M Diet St, APD Hydration is key to optimizing performance during exercise whether it is for competition, training or recreational sport. During exercise the body …

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Peanut Butter Protein Balls Recipe

Protein Balls Recipe (Makes x30 balls) Ingredients x3 scoops WPI Vanilla Protein Powder x6 tbs Sustagen Sport (Chocolate) x3 tbs Cocoa powder or cacao x5 tbs Chia Seeds (Black) x2 cups Almond Meal x½ Cup Coconut (shredded) x1 ½ cup …

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What is the difference between milk substitutes?

Written by Rebecca Evans [B. Hlth Sci (Nut & Diet) (Hons.), APD, AN B App Sci (HMS) (Hons.)] Some of the main varieties of milk alternatives currently available on the supermarket shelf are Almond, Rice, Soy, Coconut, Hemp, and Oat …

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What is a Healthy Snack?

Written by Rebecca Evans [B. Hlth Sci (Nut & Diet) (Hons.), APD, AN B App Sci (HMS) (Hons.)] Generally a snack would ideally include a combination of the macro nutrients (I.e. Carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats).  As the word describes, …

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Do You Eat More in Winter?

Words by Lauren Nugent of Eat Smart Nutrition As the cooler weather sets in, our food and drink choices tend to change.  We drink more hot drinks such as Hot Chocolates, teas and coffees.  We eat more hot breakfasts, stews, casseroles, …

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