Remedial Massage Therapy VERSUS “Massage”
What does the word “Massage” mean to you? Different types of massage are documented as far back as 2000 B.C., but undoubtedly predate writing and maybe even language. The actual word massage has French origins and has been with us for about four hundred years. At that time a Frenchman named Ambrose Pare used massage as a post-surgical treatment to reduce joint stiffness, and speed up injury healing. In the last century the scientific method has been employed to substantiate and document the effects of massage, so that what we now know as massage therapy, or soft tissue therapy, has become a blend of science and art.
Massage has progressed substantially from its early days, but not without setbacks along the way. One thing that often darkens the door of massage therapy is that the word massage exists frequently in the public eye. This means that anyone can use the word massage, and charge for their services. Persons doing this are not accountable to any overseeing professional body, and do not operate under any public health acts. Remedial Massage Therapy on the other hand, indicates something quite different and requires formal qualifications and registration so there is a level of accountability for a Therapist titling themselves a Remedial Massage Therapist. Fortunately for all of us, Australia has higher standards for massage therapy than most other countries.
Our first experience of massage is sometimes when we injure ourselves, or experience a sore muscle. We instinctively rub the area. At a medical level, it is known to calm the nervous system, increase local circulation, and break down internal adhesions. Other documented effects of massage include:
reduced headache frequency and intensity
- reduction of trigger points (muscle knots) and spasms
- decreased post-workout muscle soreness
- strengthening of the immune system
- reduced overall stress levels
- reduced depression and anxiety
- reduced fatigue and chronic pain
- reduced constipation
- reduced adhesions in muscle and fascia
- reduced joint stiffness
- reduced injury healing times
Remedial Massage Therapy is used to treat many conditions including:
- Stress- Multiple studies support the efficacy of massage in reducing stress
- Injury Rehabilitation- Massage is used extensively in all phases of injury rehabilitation from acute pain treatment to soft tissue rehabilitation and return to work programs.
- Sports Injuries
- Headaches (both Tension and Migraine Headaches)
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction (aka Jaw Soreness)
- Neck Pain, including Neck Stiffness, Torticollis and Shoulder tension
- Shoulder Dysfunction and Pain – Including Rotator Cuff issues
All the Soft Tissue Therapists at GCPSH are qualified Remedial Massage Therapists with Provider Numbers to allow you to claim private health fund rebates*. All our Soft Tissue Therapists work alongside our Physio’s, Sports Doctor and Allied Health Staff to advance their knowledge and understanding so that they can provide you with the highest level of care and service possible.
Why not try a Remedial/Sports Massage today – ph 07 5500 6470 or