How to survive Run Training in a Qld Summer
By Gold Coast Running Physio & talented Runner, Kyle Weise
It’s that dreaded time of year for us Queensland runners. With temperatures and humidity rising, running can feel like a real battle at this time of year, and it can really affect your recovery and performance.
But, don’t despair! Did you know completing some training in hot and humid weather has positive effects on your physiology for endurance sports- Our Qld humidity somewhat helps drive similar changes to training at altitude with blood volume changes and improved oxygen-carrying capacity from our red blood cells. Great for long-term improved performance IF you can be smart about it!
So rather than avoid training outside in Summer in Qld- just be selective about how much, when, how you are going to train, and be more organised around your recovery to make sure you are not wiped out by training through Summer.
Here are some tips to help every runner navigate our hotter months:
1. Expectations
First of all, we need to accept the fact that it’s hot & humid- and this makes things uncomfortable! Unfortunately, that means we aren’t going to be able to perform at our best and we need to make sure we’re reminding ourselves of this. As nice as it would be to be smashing your Parkrun PB, it’s unlikely to happen at this time of year. Summer can be a great time to train but the goals of Summer might be a little different to those cold dark months of Winter.
2. Intensity
Given the increase in temperature, your perceived effort (Rate of Perceived Exertion, RPE) for a given speed will be higher. Although it’s a bit of a hit to your ego, it’s important to listen to your body and reduce the pace of your runs to reflect the conditions – in fact, it is more useful to be guided by RPE during your run training than purely worrying about training to pace. And don’t worry, no one is going to think you’ve lost fitness because you slow down a bit in Summer!
3. Hydration
We all know the feeling of finishing a run and wringing out our shirts to find what seems to be endless amounts of water. This should be a fairly obvious indication that you need to be replacing this extra lost fluid. It’s important to make sure you’re not only taking on fluids while
you’re running but ensuring you are getting in enough fluid throughout the day by drinking regularly throughout the day (and it can’t be all alcohol!).
There are many effects of dehydration- studies have shown that fluid losses equal to 2% of body mass are sufficient to cause a decrease in performance, both physical and mental.
A useful tip can be to plan your longer runs somewhere that has a water supply, or if you’re out on the trails, take some extra water in a hydration pack or bottle, or take an extra return trip to the car.
And don’t forget electrolytes! Consider dropping some Koda Electrolyte tablets in to your water when you run- these are sugar free / no calories and are third party batch tested by HASTA to ensure they are batch tested f0r athletes for banned substances. Koda are also great to put in your water bottle for rehydrating throughout the day- research has shown with some flavour added to water, plus having your drink slightly cold, you are more likely to consume greater amounts. And for longer runs, consider using an electrolyte that contains carbohydrate to refuel you as you go, like Trailbrew.

Other Tips for staying hydrated include:
- Drinking fluid before, during and after exercise. The amount and type of fluid will depend on the individual and the sport
- Begin each exercise session well hydrated: drink water regularly throughout the day leading up to training
- Aim for a pale-yellow colour urine
- Immediately before exercise consume 200-600mL fluid
- Develop a plan for fluid intake for all exercise sessions longer than 30 minutes
- Begin drinking early in exercise sessions and continue to sip regularly
Read More from Eatsmart Accredited Sports Dietitians, or if you want an individual Hydration Plan and Sweat Test, book an appointment with our Eatsmart Dietitians in clinic by phoning us on 07 55006470. We have both Koda and Trailbew available to buy to Clinic.

4. Variety
The summer months are a great chance to focus on being ok to try new things and address other areas of your running – strength training, mobility, run technique (join us for our monthly Run Technique Clinic to improve your running). Try running at cooler times of the day, or even treadmill running with fans &/or air-conditioning. Or, try running in different locations that are more shaded, or perhaps more exposed to some breeze to help cool you down – or even try some of our accessible National Parks, like Coomera Circuit at Binna Burra that crosses the creeks & waterfalls! At this time of year, think of what personal aspects you have been neglecting and use these months as an opportunity to improve your overall running self.
So, in summary, don’t think of summer as a burden, think of it as an opportunity to improve yourself as a runner! We can help provide advice and direction to you, so Book anytime with Our Team online
Happy Summer running!