High Fibre Smoothie Bowl

High Fibre Smoothie Bowl

by LAUREN NUGENT of EatSmart Nutrition

gold coast phyiso and sports healthMakes 1 breakfast bowl

1 medium banana, frozen

½ cup frozen raspberries

1 tblsp flaxmeal

2 tblsp oatbran

1 cup milk of your choice

1 tblsp granola or muesli

1 tblsp yoghurt

  1. Blend milk, banana, oatbran and ½ the berries in a blender
  2. Pour in to a bowl.  Top with remainder of the berries, flaxmeal, muesli & yoghurt

Per serve:  1710kJ (410 calories), 18g protein, 12g fat (4g saturated), 49g carbs (26g sugars), 14g fibre