Favourite Healthy Smoothie Recipes

We love these Favourites Healthy Smoothies from the EatSmart Nutrition Team

Bec’s Breakfast smoothie

  • 150ml low fat milk
  • 2 tbs traditional oats
  • 4-5 whole walnuts
  • ¼ scoop WPI protein powder (or can replace with 2-3 tbs skim milk powder)
  • 1 tsp honey or maple syrup
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ICE (depending on how thick you want your smoothie will determine how much ice you put in….the more ice the thicker it will be)

Blend and enjoy!

Lauren’s Green Smoothie

  • 250mL coconut water
  • 1/2 apple
  • Big handful of baby spinach
  • 1/2 lebanese cucumber
  • A few mint leaves

Blend and enjoy!

OR if you have a little more time…….

Lauren’s Coffee almond smoothie:

  • Soak 15 almonds in warm water for 20 mins.  Drain.
  • Add 1 cup cold water, the soaked almonds, 1 fresh date or 2 dried dates, 1-2 tsp cacao, 1 shot of coffee or 1 tsp instant coffee dissolved in hot water.

Blend and enjoy!

Kellie’s Fast and Furious smoothie:

TIP:  Puree up all different berries and bananas, mangoes, melons once they are looking a bit sad and tired, and freeze them in ice cub trays, and once they set, tip them out and then store them in ziplock bags (~3-4 ice cubes per bag).

  • 1 bag frozen fruit
  • 150ml low fat milk
  • 2-3 tbs yoghurt

This recipe is great for a quick, no chop, no mess on the run smoothies……. way cheaper than the shop versions of these, and no wasting tired fruit!!

Steff’s ‘Chocie chimp’ smoothie

  • 1 x frozen banana
  • 1 x scoop chocolate protein powder OR just cocoa
  • 1 x tablespoon peanut butter OR other favoured nut butter
  • 1 x teaspoon chia seeds
  • Sprinkle cinnamon
  • 200ml lite milk of your choice
  • + Ice

Annnnnd Whizz!!