Services / Telehealth Physiotherapy

From the convenience of home and the office

Physiotherapy, as a profession, has moved away from a reliance on complex machines and more towards structured management and rehabilitation plans, with education and progression that you can perform under our guidance without needing to attend in clinic.

Have your injury personally assessed and diagnosed, and a management plan provided by a qualified physio or exercise physiologist via any combination of webforms, video consultations and secure messaging.

Contact us to book your appointment.

Contact us

How it works

Just like if you were to visit us in clinic, you’ll receive significant benefits, delivered online in the comfort of home or the office.

Your telehealth physiotherapy consult will involve:

  • Assessment
    – We’ll get to know you, your concerns and performance goals
    – Objective assessment where you’ll be asked to move in specific ways for our physios to analyse
  • Diagnosis
    – Our physiotherapists will provide you with an official diagnosis
  • Treatment & Planning
    – We will then formulate a management plan and provide education, advice, and direction via exercises and supervision
  • Prevention Strategies
    – You will also be provided with strategies and ideas to help prevent recurrence or secondary injury

We do request payment prior to the consultation. You will find payment methods and information in your email confirmation and invoice. At your scheduled physio telehealth appointment time, click the Zoom link we sent to your email address. If you have any issues, please contact our team.


Do I need a referral to use your telehealth physiotherapy service?

No, you do not need a referral to have a telehealth or in-clinic consult at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health.

Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) referrals from a GP are currently approved for bulk-billing to Medicare with a referral from your GP. Ask your GP if you are eligible for this.

How can a physio diagnose my injury if they haven’t touched me?

All physio and exercise physiology appointments start with a ‘subjective assessment’, in which your therapist will ask you a series of questions designed to discover the information they need to know about your injury or concern without the need to touch you.

By the end of this assessment, your therapist should have a clear idea of your diagnosis, or have a level of understanding of how to help you and what they need to test to confirm your diagnosis and pathway. This is no different to what happens in clinic.

How can online physio treat my injury without touching me?

Most people’s traditional view of physiotherapy is that it involves ‘hands-on’ treatment. In reality, this is only a small portion of what physios do to assist you with your injuries, aches or pains.

Education, return to work guidance, exercise or sport progressions and identifying contributing factors from your lifestyle can all be done as online treatment. Initiating a structured exercise program and watching or correcting you performing these exercises can also be directed online.