Physiotherapy/Sports Physio
Physiotherapists help you get the most out of life. They help you recover from injury, reduce pain and stiffness, increase mobility and prevent further injury. They listen to your needs to tailor a treatment specific to your condition. As first contact practitioners, you don’t need a doctor’s referral to see a physiotherapist.
Our team of experienced physios help restore, maintain, and optimise physical function and mobility so that you can achieve your health, exercise and sporting goals.
People of all ages and sporting abilities can benefit from physiotherapy, including recreational athletes, elite athletes, athletes with disabilities, and sports teams and associated individuals.
Sports & Exercise Physiotherapy
Titled “APA Sports & Exercise Physio’s” have additional and extensive postgraduate qualifications and experience in the management of individuals who are active, who exercise, or who participate in sport. Our Team help all abilities, including junior athletes, recreational athletes, elite athletes, athletes with disabilities, masters athletes, sports teams and associated individuals. Sports & Exercise Physio is the special area that focusses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of exercise and sports injuries, and achieving maximal exercise capacity and sports performance

The benefits
Your physio will work with you to achieve your health and wellness goals
- Optimise your return to exercise, life, work and sports after injury
- Manage and reduce risk of prevent sporting and general injuries
- Advice for improving your fitness and health
- Improve your posture and resolve muscle imbalances
- Improve your flexibility
- Analyse your technique, improve and enhance your sporting performance
- Improve muscle strength and core stability
- Provide on-field sporting care
- Provide post-operative care and direction
- Individualise your Sports warm-up, cool-down and, recovery and provide education
- Basic sports nutrition advice and referral to Sports Professionals to help you
- Liaise with Doctors, other Health Professionals, coaches and other athletic support staff to maximise your life and sporting performance
Sports Screenings Musculoskeletal (MSK)
Your sports physio may recommend a Sports MSK Screening. This involves a battery of tests to assess and identify factors that are specifically related to your sport, including:
- Posture
- Muscle co-ordination, control & strength
- Flexibility
- Patterns of movement
- Injury patterns/profiles (past and current injuries & intervention)
Any level of competitive athlete can benefit from a MSK Screening to help maximise performance and detect and prevent injuries. Plus, our sports physios have access to most Sports MSK Screenings that are used by Australian Teams, the Australian Institute of Sport or the QLD Academy of Sport, so you can be sure you’re receiving the highest level of care.

Real-time ultrasound and Dynamometry Strength Testing
Our physiotherapists and sports and exercise physios use a variety of techniques and medical technology, such as real-time ultrasound assessments, to provide the most accurate assessments, diagnoses and exercise programs.
Physios use real-time ultrasounds (RTUS) to look at the size and health of muscles and the activation or timing of onset of muscle groups. The ‘real-time’ aspect allows imaging techniques during muscle contractions, movement or activity so we can define muscle activations that are sometimes not apparent from viewing only your movement or surface palpations.
Our Physio’s commonly use Dynamometer testing to accurately test your strength and track your recovery from injury or an operation.
We also have VALD force plates and the force frame to accurately and reliably test and track your progress towards your goals!

Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Physiotherapy Members
Almost all of our physios are APA members, which means they actively keep up-to-date with the latest advances in physiotherapy and allied health so that each client receives the best care available.
If you are seeing one of our physios, you do not require a doctor’s referral unless you are claiming from Sports or Motor Vehicle Insurance, Workers Compensation or the Medicare Enhanced Primary Care programs.
If you’re unsure about whether you need a doctor’s referral, please contact us.
Our physios