Services / Dietetics / Sports Nutrition

Dietetics / Sports Nutrition

Accredited Practicing Sports Dietitians (APDs) are recognised professionals with the qualifications and skills to provide expert sports nutrition and dietary advice. They have clinical dietitian training to modify diets to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, gastro-intestinal diseases, food allergies and intolerances and overweight and obesity.

APD is the only national credential recognised by the Australian Government, Medicare, the Department of Veterans Affairs and most private health funds as the quality standard for nutrition and dietetics services in Australia.

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The benefits

Sports nutritionists provide specialised advice on optimal nutrition for exercise and sports performance. This may involve:

  • Maximising energy levels for exercise
  • Eating to optimise growth and development
  • Implementation of specialised competition eating plans (including pre-competition plan)
  • Recovery after training and competition
  • Best fluid choices for exercise
  • Maintaining appropriate body fat levels
  • Weight management or rapid changes in weight
  • Managing specific nutrient deficiencies (e.g. iron deficiency)
  • Appropriate use of ergogenic aids and dietary supplements
  • Eating when travelling

Clinical nutritionists can also provide more general dietitian advice on:

  • Assessing your nutritional needs
  • Developing personalised eating plans and nutritional guidelines
  • Provide information on:
    – Healthy eating
    – Reading food labels
    – Choosing the best foods when shopping and eating out
    – Healthy ways to prepare food.
    – Sort out nutrition fact from fiction

Our sports dietitian

Natalie Geale

Natalie Geale

Sports Dietitian (Eat Smart Nutrition)
Short bio ↓

Dietitian-approved recipes