Finding The Source Of Your Pain

Finding The Source Of Your Pain By Frederic Impens, senior Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist At GCPSH, when evaluating a patient who is experiencing pain, your therapist will ask a variety of questions. One of the biggest questions we want …

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Massage & Your Immune System

The link between Massage therapy and your Immune System By Massage Therapist, Paige Single As winter and the flu season have fast approached us you may be looking for ways to improve your immune system to stay healthy this winter. …

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Crunchy Nut & Seed Cookies

Crunchy Nut & Seed Cookies courtesy of Eatsmart Nutrition Consultants Ingredients: ½ cup ground linseed/flaxseed 2 cups ground almonds ½ cup pumpkin seed or sunflower seed 1 cup walnuts ½ cup dried cranberries or goji berries ½ cup macadamia nut …

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Caffeine- can it enhance your workout?

Caffeine- can it enhance your workout? by Eatsmart Nutrition Consultants, Rebecca Evans, APD, Accredited Sports Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug (stimulant of the central nervous system) and is classified by the Food and Drug …

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What is a Muscle Cork & How to Manage It

What is a Muscle Cork and How to Manage It By Physio, Sarah Bombell What is a muscle cork (medically called a “muscle contusion”)? Muscle contusions or “corks” can occur from a direct blow to the muscle which is common …

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My Australian Team Commonwealth Games Journey

My Australian Team Commonwealth Games Journey Monday 9th March, 2018 Wow- What a week! My posts have been few and far between over this last week purely due to how busy I have been in covering Physio for the Aussie …

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Favourite Healthy Smoothie Recipes

We love these Favourites Healthy Smoothies from the EatSmart Nutrition Team Bec’s Breakfast smoothie 150ml low fat milk 2 tbs traditional oats 4-5 whole walnuts ¼ scoop WPI protein powder (or can replace with 2-3 tbs skim milk powder) 1 …

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10 Facts About Low Back Pain

10 Facts About Low Back Pain Words by GCPSH APA Titled Sports & Musculoskeletal Physio, Rick Bain 1. Back pain is common Back pain is not a disease. It is a normal experience for most of us. 84% of people …

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Ankle Sprain Injuries are not harmless!!

Ankle Sprain Injuries are not harmless!! Extracts taken from Assocaite Professor Eammon Delahunt in Sports Physio & GCPSH Sports & Olympic Phyiso, Britt Caling   The lateral ligament complex of the ankle is usually defined as the ligaments shown in …

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