Your Feet Will Thank You for Reading This

By Senior Massage Therapist, Tim Harman How much do you care for your feet? Do you just take for granted that they’ll do whatever you ask of them? They are, after all, your connection with the ground, so every step …

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Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run?

Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run? By Physio & current National Champion, Ultra-running 20-25yrs 50km & 100km, Kyle Weise  Most runners know the feeling of running along and then out of nowhere, ‘pop’, a sharp pain in your …

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Lancet Series: Low Back Pain

Lancet Series: Low Back Pain The Lancet has published a series of three papers on the global impact of low back pain that present the challenges and causes of low back pain; the evidence for the effectiveness of treatments and …

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Feel Great with Pregnancy Massage

Written by Remedial Massage Therapist, Pilates & Natal Pilates Instructor & passionate Mum, Katie Harders Remedial massage during your pregnancy can help change your experience, for the better, during the most amazing time in your life. Once perceived as a …

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BPPV Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: GP Summary

BPPV Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: A Summary for GP’s Definition:Recurrent attacks of positional vertigo, typically lasting less than one a minute Provoked by positional change of the head, for example: turning over in bed, lying down, neck extension, bending forward. …

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Facts about Running Injuries

Facts on running injuries – Courtesy of Sports Medicine Australia Running has one of the largest participation rates. Statistics from the Australian Sports Commission’s 2006 survey showed an estimated 1,224,100 Australians aged 15 years and older participated in running in the …

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Is Lactic Acid your Friend or Foe??

Is Lactic Acid your Friend or Foe ? By Massage & Sports Massage Therapist Anthony Evans If you’ve ever exercised at high intensity, you’ll be familiar with that sensation of muscles full of the muscle by-product “lactic acid”. It feels …

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