5 major benefits of strength training for athletes

5 major benefits of strength training for athletes By Accredited Exercise Physiologist Aaron Ashdown, Strength & Conditioning Coach (ASCA L2 accredited) Strength training is a powerful tool to enhance sporting performance and promote athletic development for all ages and abilities. …

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Why deadlifts are good for your back

Why deadlifts are good for your Back By Physio, Sarah Bombell What is a deadlift? The deadlift movement involves picking up a weight off the floor bringing the body into an upright position then controlling the weight back down to …

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A Unique Perspective on Back Pain in Horse Riding

A Unique Perspective on Back Pain in Horse Riding By Physio Kelcie Mitchell (Kelcie is currently studying her Masters in Equine Physiotherapy at University of Qld, 2021) On the eve of Tokyo 2020 Olympics, and with Australian Olympic Athlete, Andrew …

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Post Concussion Syndrome: Symptoms and Management

Post Concussion Syndrome: Symptoms and Management By Senior Physio Helen Sibbald So you hit your head, suffered a concussion, and it’s a few weeks later and you still have some weird symptoms. Did you know there is a condition called …

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What happens physically when you have repeated negative thoughts?

What happens physically when you have repeated negative thoughts? Have you heard the phrase “Thoughts are Things”? By Massage Therapist with an interest in emotional and mental well-being, Tim Harman How does a thought, an untouchable, invisible, formless flash in …

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Learning from Exercise, Sports & Adversity

Learning from Exercise, Sport and Adversity By Sports & Exercise Physio, previous Carlton & Gold Coast Suns AFL Physio, Mark Homewood “Injuries are our best teachers.” Scott Jurek, Ultramarathon runner Sometimes you’re the hammer and sometimes you’re the nail. Sports …

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Become The Ultimate Runner Seminar Series

Become The Ultimate Runner Seminar Series Seminar 3 – Strength Training: What All Runners Should Know To Make You A Better Runner By APA Titled Sports & Exercise, Australian Olympic Team Physio (2012, 2016, appointed 2020) Britt Caling and Personal …

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The most common training errors in running

The most common training errors in running By Gold Coast Running Physio Kyle Weise Dealing with injured runners on a daily basis allows me to develop a very clear picture of the common training errors that lead to running related …

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Pre- & Post-Natal Remedial Massage Benefits

Pre- & Post-Natal Remedial Massage Benefits Remedial massage during your pregnancy can help change your experience for the better, during the most amazing time in your life. Once perceived as a form of alternative therapy, remedial massage is increasingly becoming …

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