Why schedule a deep tissue massage?

written by Mathew Ptak-Zylka, RMT, Myotherapist at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Heath

Why schedule a deep tissue massage?

Massage BurleighIn order to enhance overall recovery time, a deep tissue massage is often recommended ideally a few days after physical activity because it can target key problem areas before they become troublesome.

During a deep tissue massage, the therapist applies acupressure, trigger-point work (focused on all those tiny muscle knots) and “deep transverse friction” where scar tissue is broken by back and forth movement over muscle.

There are several benefits to deep tissue massage. These include:

Reduced pain and recovery time

In a study published by the journal Science Translational Medicine, 11 men were exercised to exhaustion and given 10 minute leg massages immediately afterwards. Following an analysis of the recorded muscle biopsies prior, during and after the workout, scientists discovered that the massage prompted the production of mitochondria, an energy cell that builds muscle, boosts recovery time and suppresses pain.

Improved flexibility and injury prevention

Burleigh MassageAthletes who receive regular deep tissue massages notice an increase in their range of motion because their therapist is actively breaking down all the tightness around the muscles.

Intense training or exercise can lead to a build-up of scar tissue, and the development of many adhesions where the muscle, fascia, and other tissues clump together causing stiffness, and subsequent vulnerability to injury. During a deep tissue massage, muscle fibres are stretched and scar tissue is broken down which promotes flexibility and agility.

Increased circulation

Massages increase blood circulation which enables the muscle to expel toxins and absorb fresh blood and oxygen.

Better sleep patterns

Sleep is a crucial part of the recovery process. Several studies have found that massage therapy induces better sleep and actually helps maintain consistent sleeping patterns. A deep tissue massage will reduce tension, induce relaxation, and enable clients to achieve greater sleep that can make him or her recover faster and perform better.

When should a deep tissue massage be booked?

Scheduling an appointment after a workout or run, preferably with a light workout or run planned for the next day is recommended. This helps out with recovery, and enables you to derive benefits from more intense physical activity 24 hours later.

Our team of experienced massage therapists has treated professional athletes, Olympic athletes and all active individuals along with everyday aches and pains including posture related injuries. To book a deep tissue massage contact GC Physio.


McMaster University. “Massage is promising for muscle recovery: Researchers find 10 minutes reduces inflammation.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 February 2012. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120201173226.htm>