Spring Cleaning Your Nutrition

Spring Cleaning Your Nutrition! Tips from EatSmart Nutrition Consultants

It’s that time of the year when summer is just around the corner and we all (maybe only some!) start to come out of hibernation and re-evaluate our health and nutrition practices.

We understand that it can be hard to know where to start, so we’ve put together a few ‘Spring Clean Out Tips’:

1. Clean out your fridge and pantry to make may for some fresh produce. Throw out all food items that are past the used by date. Ensure all open packets are sealed appropriately in an airtight container and/or in the fridge.

2. Start shopping around the outside of the supermarket. This is where you will find all of the ‘fresh produce’ – fruits, vegetables, meat & deli, eggs, dairy, bread & frozen goods. Then target supermarket ailes that store only required items – such as cereal/ muesli, crackers, spices, nuts/seeds, olive oils, etc.

3. Choose seasonal. Check out our top 5 picks for seasonal fruit and vegetables. This will ensure you select the tastiest, freshest and best value produce.

Fruits: Navel Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Bananas, Red Papaya
Vegetables: Cauliflower, Fennel, Mushrooms, Silverbeet, Arsparagus

4. Increase your activity. It’s getting warmer outside so put on your walking shoes and enjoy the beautiful sunshine while burning a few extra calories at the same time. Choose local cafes and restaurants to dine so that you can walk or ride your bike!

5. Find an exercise buddy. Book a time to train together and keep it fun! A game of tennis, walk on the beach, hiking, rock climbing and cycling are all enjoyable, interactive exercise options that are guaranteed to burn some serious energy!

6. Try some water refreshers! Try some soda water for a fizzy alternative to plain water. Need some flavour? Try adding a sqeeze of fresh lime, lemon or orange to add a zesty tang to your drink. Low calorie & tasty.

If your have any other questions regarding how to stay on top of your nutrition during winter, please don’t hesitate to contact one of Dietitians at Ashmore or Burleigh 07 5500 6470 or book online