Run Downhill Off-Road Fast & Safely

Next Run Technique Clinic Saturday May 6th at 2.30pm Nerang Forest

For anyone interested in doing more trail running to change-up your run training, our Sports & Olymipc Physio will hold the next Run Technique clinic out at nerang forest with a specific focus on fast downhill trail running. The session is based on teaching you ankle taping to provide increased ankle stability when running trails, improving foot and ankle strength and doing some practical run technique drills and tips for fast downhill trail running. Tape will be provided so you can practice taping yourselves and you will be doing a few downhill run reps with feedback given at the time.

Participant numbers are limited to 30 so you will need to book & secure your place by calling one of the clinics on 07 5500 6470.  Meet on the grass area at the entrance to Nerang Velodrome Track. There is a $20 Donation tp attend. The Donation is a contribution that participants can choose to pay if they see value in the session. The money goes towards covering our cost of providing tape and fundraising for Down syndrome Qld. Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health also contributes monthly to the Childrens Hospital Found in support of these valued charities.