Pilates – Living the Moment

A different slant to Pilates… Living in the Moment

How many of you have been driving somewhere and suddenly realised that you have no idea how you arrived at your current destination? No recollection of the last 5 minutes… just on auto pilot.

Life unfolds in the present. But so often, we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about what’s past.

How often are we worrying about things that have yet to come, how often do we beat ourselves up for mistakes that we’ve made, no matter how much time has passed? The answer is too much.

So what does it mean to live fully in the present moment? Living in the moment is all about living like there’s no tomorrow. It means that your awareness is completely centered on the here and now. You are not worrying about the future or thinking about the past, you are accepting and enjoying life for what it is right here and now.

So how do you live in the moment, the here and now? Something that you can start to put into practice straight away is stopping during the day to take the time to notice the smells, sounds and sights around you. Take notice of your body alignment as you push yourself through the last 10 minutes of a training session.

So what has all this got to do with pilates? The whole pilates method addresses the body as a whole. So not only correcting the body’s asymmetries and chronic weaknesses but to bring the body back into balance and to improve our body awareness. So when you spend time in a pilates class you have to focus on your alignment, your movement- you are focusing yourself to live in the exact moment, you are focusing on the here and now.

So many of our clients comment on a feeling of stillness during pilates even though their muscles are burning and shaking. It is important to take this practice of awareness into your daily life as well. Not just focusing on how you move during a class, but also as you sit at your desk, or ride your bike. You can start to practice awareness of your posture throughout an entire day, not just in the studio.

So what are you waiting for….. start living in the moment and come and experience the many benefits of pilates.


Pilates classes at GCPSH are now available at both our clinics in Burleigh and Runaway Bay Monday to Friday. Most of our classes are run by experienced Physio’s in a small-group (3 per class) environment so you get individualized attention. We aim to complete a pre-screening assessment on you prior to starting Pilates so your exercises are tailored to your goals and weaknesses. Experienced Massage Therapist and Pilates Instructor Katie Harders also runs a group floor class on Tuesday mornings.

We currently have a Pilates small-group special where if you attend 10 sessions in 12 weeks, your 10th class is free.

For more information check our Website or ask our friendly staff.  Bookings are essential for all classes due to the small number of spots available in each class, phone 07 5500 6470.