Now is the perfect time to start to get on top of those niggles…

Maximise your spare time as a result of COVID-19…     words by Physio Liam Ryan

Every athlete has had ‘niggles’ in the past. A tight hamstring here, sore Achilles there, and the majority of the time we ignore it and hope that it passes. For some this works, for most these niggles hang around and have the potential to progress into something that will limit how much you can train. Getting on top of niggles early is the best way to keep training at your best, and results come to those that can train without interruption due to injury.

With the current situation in the world as a result of COVID-19, many of you will find yourselves with a lot of spare time. Now is the perfect time to start to get on top of those niggles, so that when everything passes you can hit the road with your body in peak condition.

Here are the steps to take over the coming months to get your body ready:

1)            Get an accurate diagnosis

This means speak to your physiotherapist. Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health is still open, and we are now offering online consultations, video call style. This means you can still get an accurate assessment and diagnosis from the comfort of your own home.

2)            Get a rehabilitation plan and stick with it

Following on from a diagnosis, you should be set up with some homework to do. Your physio will guide you with the details of how much and how often, so follow this to the letter! Consistency is best when it comes to injury management, so don’t skip days or exercises. You’ve got plenty of spare time at the moment so no excuses!

3)            Keep your body in top shape

As you persist with your rehab plan, your niggle should start to resolve. From here it is important to continue with some form of regular maintenance work. This may mean incorporating a couple of weights sessions in your training plan, ensuring you do some regular mobility work, or getting a regular massage (once we get our lovely massage therapists back in clinic!)

Give the clinic a call and set up your rehab plan today! Phone 07 5500 6470