“Mobility”- What does this really mean?

“Mobility”- What does this really mean?

Words by Massage/ Soft Tissue Therapist, Dougie Graham

Often overlooked by Personal Trainers and Athletic Coaches, or put to the bottom of the priority list for each of you individually, is “Mobility”.  Do you really know what “Mobility” refers to?  Do you understand if you are “Mobile”???

In particular, being “mobile” takes a back seat to strength, endurance, fat loss or diet when it comes to fitness. But mobility is incredibly important, and arguably should be number one on the list when it comes to fitness;

But What is “Mobility”?  mobility is an indication on how well and how efficiently we move.

Mobility is important for reducing our risk of injury and for improving our performance- improving how we perform in both everyday tasks and sports performance.  Moving with efficiency will reduce pain and reduce your risk of getting injured. Tasks will seem easier and the world will be a happy place when you have the right amount of mobility!

What is the difference between Flexibility and Mobility?

“Flexibility” refers to the ability of your soft tissue (muscles and other tissues) to stretch, or elongate.

Mobility is a term for the many elements that contribute to ease of movement within your full range of motion, including contribution from muscle tissues, fascia, joints, the joint capsules AND motor control (ie how your brain moves your muscles and the order you use these muscles).  Very simply, mobility= how you move, and flexibility= length of a muscle/tissues.

Mobility, or joint mobility, is the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion with control. So mobility is based on active movement and control of the movement. Mobility also requires brain input and strength to produce full-range movement, whereas flexibility is a passive assessment and does not require any strength.

Whilst stretching may help to temporarily improve static flexibility, mobility exercises are what will prepare your body to move more quickly and efficiently.

There are endless possibilities of exercises that constitute a mobility exercise, but the key is performing them well and making sure they are useful to the movements you use everyday, or in your exercise and sport- your Physio or Massage Therapist are best placed to help  you put together the best Mobility exercises for you to perform.

At Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health, our BeActive program incorporates lots of options for improving your Mobility. Find out more HERE and Be sure to incorporate mobility as part of your workout if not already doing so!