How can an Individualised Run Screening Help You Be a Better Runner?

How can an Individualised Run Screening Help You Be a Better Runner?

By Physio & Runner Kyle Weise (Editor- as of writing this in 2019 Kyle has the mens 20-25 National 50km Road Record of 3hrs 29min)

Running as a sport is as popular as ever right now- you can run Parkrun in almost every city in the world, plus there are Marathons, Ultramarathons, Trail runs, other Fun runs, Obstacle Course Racing & Adventure Racing that include running, and more!

But the question on every runner’s mind is:

“how can I be a better runner, be quicker & make it feel easier?”

My answer is not the answer most people want to hear, but it’s the truth: “You need to be running consistently to improve, so rather than worry about your pure speed or how many km’s per week you run, work on ways to reduce your risk of getting injured so you increase your availability to train and race!”

Runners are well known for always wanting to push the limits and run as much as possible. The most common injuries in runners are overuse injuries. Training load increases and increases to the point where a particular part of the body cannot deal with the increased forces and an injury results.

it be nice if there was a way to identify these areas of weakness before they turn into an issue? This is where an individualised run screening can be extremely useful.

be a better runner gold coastIn the clinic, I regularly perform run screenings on runners looking to find these weaknesses.

But what does a run screening involve?

During a screening I will assess a runner’s flexibility, stability/control, strength & strength endurance. This gives me a great insight into where the individual’s strengths and weaknesses are. The next stage involves watching the runner actually run. My goal here is to assess their technique and then put together the pieces from the first half of the assessment. This information can then be used to address any factors in the first part of the assessment which may be affecting the way the individual runs, therefore allowing the development of a specific targeted plan that the runner can put in place to improve their running and therefore become the best runner they can.

At the end of the screening I break up the results into four categories & we problem solve ways to fix your area’s of weakness:
1. Mobility
2. Stability
3. Strength/strength endurance
4. Technique.

This Run Screening is a clear way to identify which area needs to be improved.

If you’re a runner who is looking to improve their performance and take their running to the next level, a run screening is a great way to begin that process. I perform one on one run screenings at our Ashmore clinic.

For more information or to book in for an individualised run screening call the clinic at anytime pg 07 5500 6470.

Or Read This Blog for more info on Sports Screenings

Happy & Healthy Running!