Do you suffer from vertigo?

Do you suffer from Dizziness (Vertigo)?

By experienced Neck Physio, Helen Sibbald

If  you have Vertigo, one common cause is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).

Our Physiotherapist Helen Sibbald has a passion for helping people with Dizziness and she is able to diagnose and treat BPPV- and can help you return to normal function, often in often only 1 to 2 treatments.

BPPV is an extremely common disorder of vertigo induced by changes in head position. Trained Physiotherapists are able to recognise this debilitating illness, perform the diagnostic tests and successfully apply the canalith repositioning manouvres (CRM’s). Patients usually respond exceptionally quickly when this technique is used correctly.  This is essential in the elderly patient with BPPV who would have an increased risk of falls and therefore fractures.

We often also see the chronic BPPV patient who has developed secondary neck pain and stiffness or cervicogenic headaches (headaches which stem from the neck). These patients have avoided the head/neck movement that brings on the vertigo and develop neck joint stiffness, stiff/shortened neck muscles and pain as a result. They then require treatment to their neck and usually respond well to manual Physiotherapy.

Assessment of cervicogenic headaches would include a comprehensive history, manual palpation, testing of the function of various cervical muscles including the craniocervical flexion test, sensorimotor testing (joint position error, smooth pursuit neck torsion test and test of gaze stability) and assessment of balance. Treatment using manual therapy techniques, and therapeutic exercise is well researched to be of great benefit in these patients.

In clinic we use Vesticam Infrared Googles to ensure you receive an accurate diagnosis of your eye movements

To make an appointment with Physio Helen Sibbald please call our clinic on 07 5500 6470