Accurate Rehabilitation from Injury- Is Your Physio Assessing or Guessing where to take you?

By Physio, Liam Ryan

As part of your rehabilitation following injury your physiotherapist will often measure different things to assess your progress. This may include:
– your strength,

-ability to maintain technique under fatigue,

-your balance,


-range or motion and really the list is endless!

Below you will find information about how the Phyiso’s at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health assess your progress in clinic to make sure we are not just guessing.

And we use some technology to help us assess and NOT guess so you get the best outcomes for YOU!

This technology is used by the Qld Academy of Sport, GC SUNS and other major Sporting Organisations. If it’s good enough for them, you deserve access to it too (and you don’t have to be an elite sports person to get the benefit of this technology)!

VALD Force Frame

This device is an accurate and reliable way to assess the strength of a variety of muscles. It provides real time results and a comparison from left to right, as well as to previous testing days.

We also record the exact position you are set up in, to make sure that when the test is repeated it is as accurate as possible.

VALD Force Decks

Also known as Force Plates. These new tools can be used for a whole variety of tests including strength measures, but also power testing. Think about jumping, landing, hopping & balance!

Power assessment is often a missing link in rehab programs, and we can again compare how you perform left against right and across your rehabilitation progress to guide you accurately to improve your weakness area’s.

Hand-Held Dynamometer

A quick and easy way of testing the strength of muscles in your body. It’s a great option for more tricky angles and positions that may be needed than the ForceFrame can set-up. This technology gives you an immediate measure of your strength.

Strength-Endurance (SE) Tests

SE testing is great way to assess how you perform under fatigue and to check for any loss of technique. These tests may include simple exercises like calf raises to fatigue, side plank holds, or single leg sit to stands amoung just a few tests. Your Physio will individualise the test needed based on your Goals from rehab and your Injury.

Functional Tasks

These tests are often great indicators of how you will perform on a return to sport. It may be looking at how safely you land, how agile you have become, or how good your balance is to name a few.

These are often measured in time or distance. Examples include hopping for distance, dynamic balance tests, timed runs, timed reaching tasks or timed walking or step tasks.

By using some of the above testing methods, your Physio at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health will more accurately prescribe and progress your rehabilitation. This will mean a faster and better recovery!

If your Physio is not being this accurate and they aren’t assessing, then they may be just guessing.

And if you have old injuries that keep re-appearing, this technology should definitely be used to help you assess for on-going deficits that are specific to YOU and your injury.

If you need help with assessing and progressing your rehabilitation, Book a Physio appointment online now or phone 07 5500 6470.