5 major benefits of strength training for athletes

5 major benefits of strength training for athletes By Accredited Exercise Physiologist Aaron Ashdown, Strength & Conditioning Coach (ASCA L2 accredited) Strength training is a powerful tool to enhance sporting performance and promote athletic development for all ages and abilities. …

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Strength Training for Kids- When Should You Start?

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Strength Training for Kids Gone are the days were anyone under the age of 16 couldn’t even think about entering a gym. Now, we see more and more athletes incorporating strength training at a younger …

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Over 40? You need to know this…

Words By APA Titled Sports Physio Britt Caling Over 40 years young? What Happens to your Muscles as you Age.. It is generally accepted that part of the ageing process involves a loss of muscle mass- just as your hair …

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