Junior Athlete’s parents must read…

Fuelling the Junior Athlete As we are now half way through the school term, many after school sports and other recreational activities have also commenced. But what should you feed your junior ahtlete before afternoon sport? First we should consider …

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Kokoda Challenge Gold Coast

Learn the correct way to strap your ankles and knees! Kokoda competitors pay only $30 for our strapping session which also includes a roll of strapping tape to go! Bookings are essential by calling us on 07 5500 6470 (please …

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How to survive Run Training in a Qld Summer

How to survive Run Training in a Qld Summer By Gold Coast Running Physio & talented Runner, Kyle Weise It’s that dreaded time of year for us Queensland runners. With temperatures and humidity rising, running can feel like a real …

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The most common training errors in running

The most common training errors in running By Gold Coast Running Physio Kyle Weise Dealing with injured runners on a daily basis allows me to develop a very clear picture of the common training errors that lead to running related …

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Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run?

Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run? By Physio & current National Champion, Ultra-running 20-25yrs 50km & 100km, Kyle Weise  Most runners know the feeling of running along and then out of nowhere, ‘pop’, a sharp pain in your …

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Facts about Running Injuries

Facts on running injuries – Courtesy of Sports Medicine Australia Running has one of the largest participation rates. Statistics from the Australian Sports Commission’s 2006 survey showed an estimated 1,224,100 Australians aged 15 years and older participated in running in the …

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