10 Facts About Low Back Pain
10 Facts About Low Back Pain Words by GCPSH APA Titled Sports & Musculoskeletal Physio, Rick Bain 1. Back pain is common Back pain is not a disease. It is a normal experience for most of us. 84% of …
10 Facts About Low Back Pain Words by GCPSH APA Titled Sports & Musculoskeletal Physio, Rick Bain 1. Back pain is common Back pain is not a disease. It is a normal experience for most of us. 84% of …
What is Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA), sometimes called degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis is the most common chronic condition of the joints. It can affect any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips & lower back. In OA the cartilage …
Myofascial Cupping By Remedial Massage Therapist Paige Single Some of you may have seen the 23-time Olympic gold medallist Michael Phelps with red/purple spots all over him at this year’s Rio Olympic Games. What are they you might ask? Perhaps …
How Can Remedial Massage Help Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is a common condition with it estimated that around 70-90% of australians will suffer from lower back pain in some form at some point of their life. It can …
TRIGGER POINT THERAPY Written by Lynne Gillogly Remedial Massage Therapist WHAT ARE TRIGGER POINTS? Trigger points, or a type of muscle stiffness commonly referred to as “knots”, are the result of tiny contraction knots that develop in muscle and tissue when …
DRY NEEDLING – WHAT IS IT, HOW DOES IT WORK & IS IT FOR ME ? What is Dry Needling ? Myofascial Dry Needling is a relatively new and extremely successful method used in the treatment of painful Myofascial Trigger Points …
By Frederic Impens, Remedial Massage Therapist and Personal Trainer Just because your back pain is gone and you’re able to move pain-free again, does not mean it will stay that way – you may need to train it to do …
Compression Garments Why use them? One of the newest trends for recovery in the athletic market, is the use of compression clothing. So what is all the fuss really about? What is compression clothing? and What do I use compression garments for? …