What are Shin Splints?

By Physio Rob Taylor Shin splints is a term that is used to describe pain on the inside of the shin, usually caused by running and sports that involve running (such as rugby or soccer).  We find that many of …

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Knee pain when you run or ride? It could be ITB Friction

By Sports & Exercise Physio & Olympic Physio, BrittCaling What is the ITB?The Iliotibial band (ITB) is a thickened sheet of connective tissue (fascia) that originates at the edge of your pelvis/hip and then runs laterally down the outside of …

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Are you suffering from headaches?

June is National Migraine Awareness Month If you suffer from really bad, throbbing headaches that cause you to go and lay down in a dark and quiet room until it passes, and after which you feel quite “wiped out” – …

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What happens when a Physio injures themself?

 A Physio’s Personal Perspective from Injury By Physio, Sammy Yeung This year I have dedicated to more “play time”- this means having fun trying new things that I have not done before. A risk that comes with trying new activities …

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What A Pain in The Butt!

How Can We Help You Resolve your Pain in the Butt?? By Physio, Sam McLaren Have you ever felt a pain right smack bang deep in your buttock and not known what it is? Because it often feels right in …

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