Ankle Sprain Injuries are not harmless!!

Ankle Sprain Injuries are not harmless!! Extracts taken from Assocaite Professor Eammon Delahunt in Sports Physio & GCPSH Sports & Olympic Phyiso, Britt Caling   The lateral ligament complex of the ankle is usually defined as the ligaments shown in …

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Injury Prevention for Dancers- just like elite athletes

Injury Prevention for Dancers- just like elite athletes Dance is considered to be an art form- its dancers, artists. Certainly Artistic Directors might favour a particular aesthetic, line or body shape to fit their vision. It is, however undeniable that …

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Is my Hip Pain Bursitis?

Hip Pain is NOT just Bursitis Written by GCPSH APA Titled Sports Physio, Myles Burfield One of the most commonly diagnosed hip injuries is greater trochanteric bursitis, aka ‘The pain in the butt that’s not quite in the butt.’  But …

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Osteoarthritis – What is it & What you can do about it

What is Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA), sometimes called degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis is the most common chronic condition of the joints. It can affect any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips & lower back. In OA the cartilage …

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Muscle Compensations

Muscle Compensations words By Frederic Impens – Dip. Remedial Massage, Cert 4 Personal Training; Member ATMS “Compensation” is a term that people in the health and fitness industry use on a daily basis. It references to a unique and yet confounding …

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Metatarsal Stress Fractures

Metatarsal Stress Fractures – words by Gold Coast Foot Centres Podiatrist Nelson Pollard   Metatarsal stress fractures are said to be the second most common fracture site, behind the tibia, in the athletic population. Stress fractures of the 2nd, 3rd …

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Do you suffer from Vertigo (part 2)?

Do you suffer from Vertigo (part 2)? Words by Physio Helen Sibbald  Have you experienced vertigo or dizziness or just a feeling of disequilibrium? You may have a vestibular disorder, a problem with your neck or rarely, something more serious. …

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EightSteps to an Injury-free Triathlon Season

Eight Steps to an Injury-free Triathlon Season Words by Britt Caling, APA Titled Sports Physio ; Sports Physio consultant to Triathlon Australia elite program (2002-2020) & appointed to Rio Olympics Australian Team Sports Physio (2016) 1.    Maintain your Body – …

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Are you a Triathlete who knows their Injury Risk?

Are you a Triathlete? Do you know your Injury Risk? By Sports & Olympic Physio, Britt Caling With the start of the triathlon season underway and all you dedicated triathletes well into established training routines, it’s appropriate at this time …

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Injury Differences in Short vs Long Course Triathletes

A discussion about Injury differences in short vs long course Triathletes By Sports & Olympic Physio, Britt Caling Triathlon is competed over varying distances from Sprint (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run, or even shorter introductory races), to Olympic distance …

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