Tennis Elbow – What is it & how do I get better?

Tennis Elbow – What is it & how do I get better? Compiled by Senior Remedial Massage Therapist Frederic Impens What is it? Tennis elbow is technically called lateral epicondylitis (more recently lateral epicondylalgia). The outer bony point of your …

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What To Do About Hip Pain

Has your patient presented with Hip Pain? Hip Pain may present laterally around the greater trochanteric region or more commonly in the anterior groin. A major cause of pain in the anterior aspect of the hip joint is termed femoroacetabular …

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Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run?

Do you Suffer Calf Pain when you Run? By Physio & current National Champion, Ultra-running 20-25yrs 50km & 100km, Kyle Weise  Most runners know the feeling of running along and then out of nowhere, ‘pop’, a sharp pain in your …

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BPPV Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: GP Summary

BPPV Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: A Summary for GP’s Definition:Recurrent attacks of positional vertigo, typically lasting less than one a minute Provoked by positional change of the head, for example: turning over in bed, lying down, neck extension, bending forward. …

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Facts about Running Injuries

Facts on running injuries – Courtesy of Sports Medicine Australia Running has one of the largest participation rates. Statistics from the Australian Sports Commission’s 2006 survey showed an estimated 1,224,100 Australians aged 15 years and older participated in running in the …

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What happens when a Cyclist gets Knee Pain?

What happens when a Cyclist gets Knee Pain? By Sports Physio, Rob Brown (ex-Physio to Orica Green-Edge Pro Cycling Team & 2019- Gold Coast SUNS AFL Sports Physio) What do you call a runner with knee pain? A cyclist… So …

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