Breathe Better to Improve Performance

Breathe Better to Improve Performance By Exercise Physiologist & Champion Surf Ironwoman, Harriet Brown Do you get puffed more easily than you should? Is your breathing limiting your ability to train harder? Or do you want to have a performance …

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Stretching for Cyclists – Part 1)

Stretching for Cyclists Part 1) Words by Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health Sports Physio and avid cyclist Andy Frith I’m often asked “what are the best stretches for cyclists?” The answer is not as easy as it sounds. Firstly everyone …

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To Stretch or not to Stretch?

Written by Physio Myles Burfield As an athlete I have been part of sporting cultures in individual and team sports at amateur and elite levels.  Like any athlete I suffered injuries and wanting a quick recovery I would eagerly listen …

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