How can Pilates help me after I have had my baby?

How can Pilates help me after I have had my baby? By Massage Therapist, Pilates Instructor & pre/post-Natal Pilates Instructor, Katie Harders You have had your baby; you have been at home adjusting to this new life and you’re feeling …

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Problems with Squatting?

Problems with squatting?? Did you know that not everyone’s squat position will look the same? Some people will have a nice deep squat position and some people will never be able to squat below parallel. Many people blame their flexibility …

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5 major benefits of strength training for athletes

5 major benefits of strength training for athletes By Accredited Exercise Physiologist Aaron Ashdown, Strength & Conditioning Coach (ASCA L2 accredited) Strength training is a powerful tool to enhance sporting performance and promote athletic development for all ages and abilities. …

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Why deadlifts are good for your back

Why deadlifts are good for your Back By Physio, Sarah Bombell What is a deadlift? The deadlift movement involves picking up a weight off the floor bringing the body into an upright position then controlling the weight back down to …

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A simple exercise to improve your Cycling

Do cyclists really need calf muscles? By APA Sports Physio, Cyclist, previous Orica-Greenedge Cycling Physio & GC Suns AFL Official Physio, Rob Brown What are Calf Muscles? The calf muscles are composed of 2 muscles located at the back of …

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Strength Training for Kids- When Should You Start?

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Strength Training for Kids Gone are the days were anyone under the age of 16 couldn’t even think about entering a gym. Now, we see more and more athletes incorporating strength training at a younger …

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