The Alter-G Treadmill at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health

Whats all the excitement about the Alter-G Treadmill at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health? – words by Sports Physio Rick Bain

The Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill is an innovative rehabilitation and training treadmill that was developed by NASA and allows users to walk or run at a designated percentage of bodyweight.

By using differential air pressure, the treadmill reduces body weight to 20%-100% allowing you to walk or run with reduced stress on your lower body.  It is safe, comfortable and still promotes normal running or walking patterns. Combine this with the gait technique Camera’s we  and you have a great rehab and training tool that has a multitude of benefits.

10 Great reasons to use the Alter-G:

1.       Return to Running or Walking or Hiking sooner after injury.
2.       Non-injured runners can add extra’s training km’s without the same impact load, so it’s great for Recovery. For example, pre- or post-marathon or ultra-running or Ironman triathlon, run with reduced impact forces so reduced soreness.
3.       For those runners who get injured easily running overground, Alter-G supplementary sessions at reduced body weight forces are prefect to help you add run volume with reduced risk of injury compared to running overground
4.       Develop your Barefoot Running for improved running strength and technique
5.       Improve your Run or Walk Technique with use of the gait Camera’s
6.       Older bodies may be able Continue running or walking longer into your life, even with conditions such as Arthritis
7.       Earlier mobility post-surgery in a safe environment
8.       Accelerated weight-loss for those who have difficulty running or walking
9.       You can Book Your Treadmill Sessions online at
10.   Physio health fund rebates may be available for use of the Alter-G

Alter-G for use in Injury Rehabilitation: Rehabilitate lower limb injuries with less impact stress on joints and muscles

Studies have demonstrated the Alter-G treadmill reduces ground reaction forces on the injured area whilst allowing users to walk or run pain free, and with normal gait mechanics. Data from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)  has shown lower limb loading forces do not increase with increasing run speeds  thereby allowing athletes to maintain, or improve, cardiovascular fitness during their injury rehabilitation process.  Whether your goal is to return to walking or running, exercising pain free on the Alter-G treadmill promotes normal gait mechanics and a faster recovery from injury.

The Alter-G treadmill is great for nearly all injuries, in particular:

  • Lower limb bone stress injuries/stress fractures – eg: metatarsal, fibular, tibial, femoral
  • Lower limb osteoarthritis – eg: hip and knee
  • Plantar foot pain (plantar fasciitis)
  • Shin splints
  • Knee patella-femoral pain
  • Lower limb tendinopathy – eg: Achilles,  hamstring, gluteal
  • Gait re-education following lower limb traumatic injury – eg: fractures

Alter-g for Improved Recovery from surgery:

The beneficial effects of controlled mobilisation and loading on tissue healing are well documented in the scientific literature.  Similarly, the detrimental effects of prolonged under-loading and immobilisation are also well known.  Early mobilisation after surgery can help orientate healing tissue fibres, reduce scar tissue, prevent muscular deconditioning, improve joint range of motion and promote early independence and confidence .  Controlled loading is important for encouraging early ambulation while protecting healing tissue.

The Alter-G treadmill allows users to closely control lower limb loads, thus promoting the positive effects of early exercise without risk to the surgical procedure.  Some surgical procedures that may benefit from the Alter-G treadmill are:

  • Knee ligament reconstruction
  • Meniscal repair
  • Total knee and hip replacement
  • Achilles tendon repair
  • Ankle reconstruction
  • Hip, knee and ankle arthroscopy
  • Surgical repair of traumatic injury – eg: internal fixation of ankle fracture


Alter-G for weight loss: Lose weight and exercise more intensively without the stress on the body

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends more than 150 minutes per week of moderate to intense physical activity may be needed for weight loss.  Unfortunately it becomes difficult for people who are overweight to achieve, let alone sustain, the recommended levels of exercise.  Partial body weight support allows the overweight individual to experience their preferred body weight as well as achieve meaningful calorie expenditure .  Partial body weight support on the Alter-G treadmill provides a safe and suitable alternative to exercise without the negative consequences of high impact loads during normal running or walking.  This demonstrated indirect effects on weight reduction by enabling exercise in individuals otherwise unable to do so .

Use of the Alter-G with Ageing: There is evidence that a moderate exercise program can help reduce falls

One of the most common problems plaguing the elderly is falling.  Causes are usually multi-factorial and incidence and severity increase with age.  One key concern with falls in the elderly is the high susceptibility of injury and the severity of those injuries. There are many factors that increase the likelihood of a fall-related injury amongst the elderly including multiple diseases present and age-related physiological declines.  Exercise programs have long been considered the cornerstone of falls prevention programs.  Exercise aims to increase flexibility and strength, improve proprioception and balance, and develop co-ordination and agility.  There is evidence that a moderate exercise program can help reduce falls.  The enclosed structure of the Alter-G treadmill enables individuals to exercise in a safe and comfortable environment, hence providing a valuable tool in their falls prevention program.

Athletic Performance: you don’t have to be injured to benefit from the Alter-g

The benefits of unloading running for injury recovery are obvious, but you don’t have to be injured to benefit from reduced load running.  The Alter-G treadmill can benefit any runner or triathlete.  Running in an redcued-load environment reduces the load on the lower limbs which has shown several benefits.  For example, a common mistake we see here at Gold Coast Physio and Sports Health is athletes building mileage for that upcoming race too quickly, without giving the body time to adapt to the increased running loads.  Unfortunately this often results in injury, lost training time, and/or failure to make the start line.  Substituting 1-2 runs per week on the Alter-G is a great way to manage the increasing loads and stresses on the body whilst still improving cardiovascular fitness. In fact, several studies have demonstrated Alter-G training sessions can improve metabolic, cardiovascular and biomechanical factors of running. Olympic Triathlete and long-term athlete of GCPSH Ashleigh Gentle regularly used the Alter-G to increase her training volume with reduced tightness effects on her calves.

Another useful benefit from reduced load run training is the ability to run faster.  On the Alter-G the ability to run at faster speeds with lower metabolic demand (oxygen consumption) places less stress on your overall bone and cardiovascular system. Therefore, the Alter-G allows you to train your run speed at 85-90% body weight without cardiovascular limitation, all whilst reducing the risk of injury that is inherent with this type of high intensity training.

Should you wish to book in for our AlterG sessions you will first need to book an appointment with our Exercise Physiologist or Physio for an introduction session where not only the usage protocols are explained but where your goals are discussed and applied to setting the appropriate training/usage plan. The intro consult session cost is $55 and health fund rebates are applicable.

After this into session you will be able to simply book your Alter-G sessions online or by phoning the clinic.