Sports and Performance Psychology
We all strive to be successful across sport, work and life. While people will invest time and effort to develop physical and technical skills, little attention is usually paid to the development of psychological skills.
Understanding how you respond under pressure, and equipping yourself with a range of psychological skills, will enhance both your performance and well-being on and off the sporting field. Sports and performance psychology services provide an opportunity for you to discover ways to achieve your sporting and personal goals and learn how to cope effectively with the challenges of daily life.
Call us for an appointment – 07 5500 6470.

How it works
Sports psychologists focus on the psychological features of the athlete that are crucial to elite sporting performance at any level. Specifically, the three key areas of high-performance psychology in practice include:
1. Mental processes that create and enhance the development of expert performance over time,
2. Mental skills that facilitate optimum sporting performance during specific competitions, and
3. Mindsets that deal effectively with critical issues and setbacks during competition and over the long path of an athletic career.
The Benefits
Sports and exercise psychologists can help you to:
- Achieve the optimum psychological state for performance
- Enhance psychological well-being and develop resiliency
- Manage the injury rehabilitation process effectively
- Increase your awareness of your psychological functioning, and provide a catalyst for change.
Understanding your psychological functioning, and developing the skills required to thrive in all that you do, will enable you to discover and empower the champion within.
Our Sports Psychologist & Psychologist