Be active / Run Technique Clinic

Gold Coast Running Technique

Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health Director, and Sports & Exercise Physio, Britt Caling, conducts running technique clinics, at Pizzey Park Athletics Track, Miami, every month.

These clinics provide runners of all levels the opportunity to benefit from expert knowledge of sound running techniques, injuries, biomechanics and the research behind running.

Contact us to book your spot.

If you’re interested in trail running, you might also like to check out our Run@mygcphysio Trail Run Crew.

Contact us

Who is it for?

All running levels are welcome. Run Technique Clinics are focused on running drills and providing feedback on YOUR areas that you can improve on to make your running better, so we don’t end up covering too much distance, and you do not need to be running fit to attend these clinics.

However, if you’d like to run more during the session, or if you are technically good, then some individual track distances may be given to you to test your technique.

You must register to participate. Please contact us to secure your place.

Run Technique Clinic Information

Duration: 60 minutes

Dates: First Saturday of each month (unless listed otherwise below)

  • No December Clinic

Please remain up to date with clinic cancellations by following our Instagram and Facebook, or join our private Facebook group (the private group provides more free information and resources to you).

Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: Pizzey Park Athletics Track at Pizzey Drive (off Oceanic Drive), Miami. The track is adjacent to the Australian Institute of Sport/ Paddle Australia Gold Coast Facility on the canal. (note: this is NOT at the Miami Aquatic Centre but the other side of the fields)

Registration: You must register to participate. Please contact us to secure your place, or Book Online (via the Burleigh Clinic Class option).

Registered participants will also receive free access to a running injuries and techniques webinar.

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